Investment Universe
In Deep Alpha Advisory Platform (DAAP) you have the opportunity to define the investment universe you give advice on. The defined investment universe is made available to your users and can be used across our platform, for example in your default portfolios or selected when building custom portfolios. In most cases the investment universe of the financial institutions using DAAP consist of mutual fund, ETFs or custom products.
We have an integration with Morningstar that provides us with a datafeed where we can get basic fund- and/or ETF data for investments products. The data we collect from Morningstar comes with:
- Time series
- Name
- Basic meta data
- Cost data
When using this option, the data is automatically fed into our system and ready to use by your users. Our experience is that this is the most commonly used products.
Usage of this data require an agreement with Morningstar and we can assist you with this.
If you are offering investment products that are not available in our datafeeds, we can support custom products. Custom products are investment products where you provide us with name and the historical timeseries for the product.
This functionality is commonly used for Financial Institutions that offers:
- Discretionary portfolios
- AIFs
- Other products
Usage of custom products requires you to set up an integration towards our time series API, that allows you to feed our system with the required data we need to have the platform up and running.