Release Notes 1.7.0
Deep Alpha provides now the flexibility to configure whether or not the advisor is allowed to oversteer fund-related costs and if so, what specific cost elements may be oversteered. It is possible to oversteer 4 cost types: fund management fee, fund transaction cost, fund purchasing fee, and fund return commission paid to the client. Oversteered costs can be documented, and configured as a mandatory or non-mandatory note. Advisor's notes with the reasoning will be presented on the investment proposal PDF. Feature accessibility: Standard Advice Flow License, Enterprise Advice Flow License Please contact Global Delivery Manager to benefit from this functionality and configure the solution according to your needs.

MSCI is now a native data vendor in Deep Alpha. This allows us to use several methodologies for index calculations and give access to a wider range of indexes. The customer that will show index data in Deep Alpha will need a separate agreement with MSCI. Reach out to our delivery team for more information.
Feature accessibility: Standard Advice Flow License, Enterprise Advice Flow License
A custom set of product attributes can now be presented in advisory sessions to assist the advisor in building portfolios in the custom portfolio mode. Deep Alpha enables defining up to ten custom attributes per instrument, ο»Ώwith five attributes being configurable as text or numerical value, and the remaining 5 as true or false value. ο»ΏCustom product attributes must be defined within the investment universe. The attributes are displayed on the "Advisory" page in the custom portfolio mode under the "Fund Allocation" tab. Product attributes described above, can be enabled also in the "Order summary" view on the "Proposal" page in the investment advice flow. The same attributes can be enabled also on the "Order" page in the order execution flow.
Feature accessibility: Standard Advice Flow License, Enterprise Advice Flow License, Standard Order Execution License, Enterprise Order Execution License

ο»ΏAdvisors can now create portfolio and select funds ο»Ώwhile switching between three views of the data:ο»Ώ Overview tab with general funds data, sustainability data, and preference criteria data (sustainability exposure data). Sustainability and preference criteria data is shown if sustainability alignment questions are configured and data is available. It is possible to add custom data fields into any of those views by using custom product attributes functionality.ο»Ώ
Feature accessibility: Standard Advice Flow License, Enterprise Advice Flow License

ο»ΏIt is now possible to define custom order for advisory steps. Now it is possible to start sessions by mapping investors' financial situation or by defining their goals and risk level. Pages that can have custom order arο»Ώe: Advice information, Purpose & risk, Knowledge & experience, Financial Situation, and Sustainability.ο»Ώ
Feature accessibility: Standard Advice Flow License, Enterprise Advice Flow License

Sustainability alignment questions measured on the granulation bar (previously on a scale of 1 to 5) provide now configuration flexibility allowing the tenant to define how many granulation steps will be presented to the investor and provide custom names for each step. The minimum number of steps is 3 steps (i.e Important, Not important, Undecided) and the maximum number of steps is 7 steps. The configuration of the granulation bar implies to each assessment question.
Feature accessibility: Standard Advice Flow License, Enterprise Advice Flow License

Investment advice PDF contains now contact person(s) details in the company with additional information about whether or not the contact person is an ultimate beneficial owner (UBO) and whether or not the contact person has signature rights. Feature accessibility: Enterprise Advice Flow License, Enterprise Order Execution License, Enterprise Robo Advisor License
Assessment questions presented to the investor in the phase of selecting the product platform, investor's answers, and the selected product platform are now shown in the investment advice PDF. If the investor chooses a not recommended product platform, advisor notes will be presented on the PDF as well.
Feature accessibility: Enterprise Advice Flow License, Enterprise Robo Advisor License
The buy order and the monthly order table in the order summary section on the "Proposal" page are now showing the percentage of the total allocated amount per fund. The allocated amount in the percentage column is presented in the investment proposal PDF.
Feature accessibility: Standard Advice Flow License, Enterprise Advice Flow License ο»Ώ

Historical return data and graphs are now available also on the "Advisory" page allowing advisors to analyze historical return while building the portfolio. It is now possible to compare existing holdings towards model portfolio (aka risk portfolio) in the model portfolio mode. Existing portfolio historical return is calculated based on defined asset classes in the Financial Situation in the Amount for Advice table. In the custom portfolio mode, it is possible to compare 3 portfolios - existing holdings, model portfolio and suggested custom portfolio. Feature accessibility: Standard Advice Flow License, Enterprise Advice Flow License
ο»ΏStatistics for historical return can now be presented in three locations in the Deep Alpha platform: 1) Statistics in the Risk Finder component 2) Historical Return on the "Advisory" page 3) Historical Return on the "Proposal" page It is possible to choose between 35 different metrics and display 20 of them in the advice flow. In the risk finder under Statistics tab, it is possible to display maximum 10 metrics. Feature accessibility: Standard Advice Flow License, Enterprise Advice Flow License
New functionality in the order execution flow
- Enable cost data for selected instruments
- Enable expected value data and the graph for selected instruments. (Expected value in the order execution PDF will be released in 1.8.0)
- Support for custom input fields on the "Order information" page (text/number input, radio buttons selection, dropdown selection, multiple choice check-box selection, plain text area)
- Support for KIID documents for PDF attachments
- Renaming of default stages of order execution to: 1) Order information 2) Instruments 3) Order
- Summary fields in the overview table on the "Order" page
- Adjustments to default translations
- It is possible to copy an order execution session
Feature accessibility: Standard Order Execution License, Enterprise Order Execution License

Implementation of log functionality for various system- and user-related events across the Deep Alpha Platform. Please reach out to our delivery team to get more information about Audit Log API and request an access. Additional fees may apply.
Feature accessibility: Enterprise Advice Flow License
ο»ΏWe are releasing a new API called Session API making advice session data in Deep Alpha available. Session data covers both investment advice sessions and order execution sessions. The API provides following data: ο»Ώ
- Session data and investor data
- Investor accounts, both aggregated and per account
- Investors registered per advisor
ο»ΏAccessing this API requires a unique key for the API. Please reach out to our delivery team to get more information about Session API and request an access. Additional fees may apply.
Feature accessibility: Enterprise Advice Flow License, Enterprise Order Execution License
- Expanded customization options for the saving calculator (styles, icons, translations, and configuration)
- Implementation of the new date-picker component to simplify date selection

- Advisor notes written in the Order Execution flow are now presented in the order summary PDF
- Line shifts entered in the Deep Alpha are now preserved when generating the PDF document
- In the Safari browser, financial situation data entered into input fields is no longer turning black
The Quantfolio team hopes you enjoy the new functionality and enhanced user experience. If you encounter any issues or have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to us by sending an email to [email protected]. Additionally, if you have any suggestions for new features or improvements, please let us know here.ο»Ώ
Release date: March 2, 2023 Version number: 1.7.0