Release Notes 1.6.0
Add investor's existing holdings and tag holdings to asset classes
Investors' existing holdings can now be tagged to asset classes. The assets in the existing portfolio can be added to the financial situation view under "Assets". Advisor has to click on the info icon to add the investor's specific holdings which will then automatically appear in the "Assets for advisory" table under. This new feature allows advisors easily define asset classes for each holding by selecting an asset class from a drop-down menu. To define asset classes, go to "Assets for advisory" and click on the info icon behind the holding. Feature accessibility: To enable this functionality on Deep Alpha, changes to tenant settings are required. The tenant must define which type of assets in the "Assets" table will automatically generate "Amount for advice" table. Please contact Global Delivery Manager to benefit from this functionality. Additional license fee might apply.

Rebuilt advice section is dividing portfolio establishment into 2 work modes: model portfolio and custom portfolio. The new custom portfolio mode functionality provides greater flexibility for tenants to define advisor's rights to 1) deviate from the risk level 2) deviate from the model portfolio, 3) deviate from asset class allocation and 4) set advisor rights to add, remove, and replace asset classes and specific financial instruments. Enhanced user experience makes it easy to navigate and efficiently create new custom portfolios.
Custom portfolio set-up is divided into two steps - defining asset allocation and selecting instruments based on defined asset classes. The tenant can decide among other settings, f.e. which portfolio mode is the default mode, whether or not risk based model portfolio will provide a starting point for a custom portfolio, and whether or not model portfolio asset allocation will remain as a comparison element custom portfolio.
Tenants who do not operate with model portfolios will be able to define asset classes and fund allocation from a blank start. Tenants not allowing deviation to model portfolio's asset class allocation will see the risk selector drop-down element or fixed risk level depending on the preference.
Feature accessibility: New custom portfolio upgrade is made available for all tenants using custom portfolio functionality on Deep Alpha. Additional flexibility in this feature requires adjustment in the configuration. Please contact Global Delivery Manager to benefit from this functionality and configure the solution according to your needs. Custom portfolio is included feature in the standard license.

Order execution flow provides now even greater configuration flexibility and enhanced user experience.
New configurable components for gathering order information.
- Question with alternatives as radio buttons
- Questions with alternatives as check boxes
- Questions with options presented in a dropdown
- Answers to yes/no questions as switch button
- Custom fields for text entry
- Custom fields for numerical values
- Each question can be configured as a required / not required info field
New cost analyses table for order summary
- Cost analyses table presents up to 11 cost attributes for selects instruments.

Saving Calculator Tool is now available on Deep Alpha platform. Saving calculator is an independent tool to effortlessly show investors the potensial of their investments. It can be used outside of the advisory flow and can be found under Tools menu.
Feature accessibility
Saving calculator can also be added to your website as an embedded saving calculator and/or an advisor tool on Deep Alpha Advisory Platform. This feature requires configuration to be enabled, please contact Global Delivery Manager to benefit from this functionality.

Access and attach automatically any document from Morningstar Document Library to advisory PDF document. [Requires Morningstar Data Agreement]
Audit log API introduces new audit logging function that enables systematically recording users activity in the system. Audit log contains information about advisors' identity, access method, timestamps and event data.
As part of hybrid fund support, its no possible to define custom asset class allocation on instrument level. It means that each portfolio instrument will be able to consists of many asset classes.
Up to this point expected value and risk was determined on category level. This approach allows to define expected value and risk on ticker / instrument level.
Adjust configuration of a tenant to give possibility to add custom attributes to each instrument in the fund universe.
Combined dataset builder (index blending and historical patching). Building of new time series as a combination of several other benchmarks. Greatly improves performance to make DAAP work even faster when getting benchmark data for instruments.
We have launched our new data pipeline application - a service to import funds from Morningstar and other data providers. New data pipeline improves operations by improving stability and performance.
New backend service - Quantfolio Time Series API (QTS-API) - introduces new APIs and data pipeline for management of financial time series from multiple data vendors. Thanks to changes introduced in data pipeline upgrade we are able to serve better organized data for instruments.
Thanks to QTS-API introduction it is possible to add custom products along with its timeseries directly to the API.
API adjustments for stability and speed performance.
Wrong advice type when copying order execution
Monthly deposit bar needs to be filled even without monthly surplus
Profile picture upload error
Options in Knowledge and experience page not translated
No statistic data in the risk matrix report
Quantfolio team hopes you enjoy the new functionality and enhanced user experience. For support do not hesitate to reach out to us via [email protected]. If you have suggestions to new functionality or improvements please let us know here.ο»Ώ
Release date: 19.01.23 Version number: 1.6.0