Release Notes

Release Notes 1.12.0


ο»ΏNew in Deep Alpha ο»Ώ

Automatic Tagging Of Asset Classes

We have upgraded our asset class tagging capabilities in Deep Alpha to include an automatic tagging functionality. This new feature is available to customers who have incorporated investor investment portfolios into our system. With this enhancement, every instrument in the investor's portfolio that falls within your investment universe is now automatically and precisely categorized. This advancement simplifies the process of visualizing and analyzing an investor's existing portfolio, ensuring a more streamlined and efficient user experience.

Category Support In Risk Finder

We have expanded the capabilities of our Risk Finder feature to support category-level analysis. This significant enhancement allows for a more strategic approach to risk assessment, focusing on asset allocation categories rather than individual instruments. This upgrade facilitates more strategic and high-level risk discussions, aligning with the principles of strategic asset allocation.

New Statistics Added

We have upgraded Deep Alpha with new statistics, enhancing your analytical experience. These additions are available in the statistics feature, found in the Risk Finder, Advisory Page, and Proposal Page. The new statistics include:

  • Monthly volatility
  • Yearly volatility
  • Year to date performance.

This update enriches the platform's analysis capabilities, providing you with more in-depth insights for informed discussions with the investors.

A new Order Information page in Order Execution Flow

We have broadened the configuration capabilities within our Order Execution process, enabling advisors to gather more information on an additional page in the flow. This enhancement covers a range of business requirements, from documenting additional details about the investor's profile, their financial situation, knowledge and experience, or any other information that the business process may require. The new configurable page appears after the primary Order Information page. The page supports all custom content, any input field type (such as dropdown input, calendar, multiple choice, etc.) and now also a table component which make capturing financial information effortless and intuitive.

The new table component offers two distinct types of tables. The first table features a summary row at the end, ideal for aggregating numerical values. The second type is a straightforward numerical table designed for data that do not require aggregation. This dual functionality allows for greater flexibility to meet distinct requirements and various use cases executed in this flow.

Improved Compliance and User Experience with New Advice Owner Column and Enhanced Rights

In our latest update, we've strengthened our commitment to compliance-by-design by introducing enhanced rights management. This feature restricts the creation of investment proposal PDFs and marking advices as completed to authorized personnel, ensuring improved compliance and security. To further enhance user experience, we've added a column displaying the advice owner. This addition simplifies management and provides clear visibility of who is responsible for each piece of advice, making it easier and more efficient to track and manage investment advice.

Highlight Key Product Metrics for Selected Instruments in Order Execution Flow

We have enhanced the order execution flow to enable a dynamic presentation of custom-defined data for select products. Highlighting key data points simplifies the decision-making process for investors and offers a more insightful comparison of various instruments. This functionality enables the presentation of various data types. Potential usage may include displaying information like minimum investment required, SFDR Article Number, sustainability rating, 'considered sustainable' status (yes/no), active share, expense ratio, Sharpe ratio, management fee, currency, equity portion, and asset allocation ratio.

Custom-selected data will be presented in the Instruments table next to the saving amount input fields. The custom data can be configured in Deep Alpha as Product Attributes and allows for various value types such as binary (true/false), text, numbers, and combinations of text and numbers. It is possible to display up to three product attributes.

Key Product Metrics for Selected Instruments
Key Product Metrics for Selected Instruments


Integration enhancements:

In this updated we have done to enhancements to our integration platform.

  1. We have streamlined the login process for advisors using Single Sign-On (SSO) through an integration with Deep Alpha. Now, if the URL includes the 'crmlogin' parameter, advisors are directly redirected to the SSO authentication, bypassing the redundant step of the login page. This enhancement eliminates the need to click the 'Log in' button, offering a more efficient and seamless access experience from their CRM systems.
  2. Furthermore, we have introduced ingrations for investors and sessions. These deeplinks enable external systems to direct advisors seamlessly to specific pages, whether it's an Investor's profile (for both companies and individuals) or an Investment Session (advice information). This development not only provides quicker access to relevant information but also streamlines workflows and significantly improves the overall user experience.

Adjustments risk score component

We have enhanced the risk score component. Risk adjustment tables that are not utilized, are now automatically hidden, creating a more streamlined and tidy interface.

Improved error pages

We have improved the user experience during unexpected software errors. We have introduced two key enhancements:

  1. User-Friendly Crash Messaging: We've replaced the generic 'white error screen' with a more informative and user-friendly error message. Now, if the software crashes, users will encounter a clear message explaining what happened and suggesting next steps. This aims to reduce frustration and confusion during such incidents.
  2. Similarly, the standard 404 error page has been revamped. Instead of a sparse and technical message, users will now see a more helpful and engaging error page. This page not only explains that the requested resource couldn't be found but also guides users back to useful parts of the software.

Easy Return To Advisory Session From Holistic View

Advisors can now easily return to the advisory session from the holistic view page with the addition of a new 'Return' button. This improvement eliminates the need to use the browser's 'back' button, streamlining the navigation process.

Added missing error messages

We have added missing error messages when advisor has an unfilled advisor note in the oversteered cost functionality.

Order Summary update

We have esolved a previously identified issue where the order summary was not reflecting updates correctly when changes to funds were made

General UX improvements

In our ongoing effort to enhance user experience, we've implemented the following UX improvements:

  • Adjusted width of rows in the fund allocation table
  • Risk portfolio dropdown has been enhanced to ensure usability, for difference placements and screen sizes
  • Goal modal - Time horizon is not automatically updated when selecting withdrawal start
  • Product platform selector in risk score component - adjusted to allow for selection of platforms.

ο»ΏEnd Notesο»Ώ

The Quantfolio team hopes you enjoy the new functionality and enhanced user experience. If you encounter any issues or have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to us here Additionally, if you have any suggestions for new features or improvements, please let us know here.ο»Ώ

Release date: 20.12.2023 Version number: 1.12.0