Investment Advisory & Discreti...

Risk Finder


One of the most important decisions every investor make is what risk level their portfolio(s) should have. However, talking about and understanding the risk for different portfolio can be challenging for investors. The Risk Finder is a tool that support advisors when talking about risk with investors. The overall goal is that the advisors will have visual tools that can be used to illustrate the characteristics of the different risk levels and better ensure that the investors take a well-informed decision about their prefered risk level.


The risk finder comes with different analysis and allows advisors to compare up to 3 portfolios. All portfolios are compared on Strategic Asset Allocation level.


In the portfolio analysis the advisor can compare the portfolio weights, on asset class level, between the selected portfolios:


Historical return

In the historical return analysis the advisor can compare historical performance of the selected portfolios:

Historical return
Historical return

Expected value

In the historical return analysis the advisor can compare expected value of the selected portfolios:

Expected value
Expected value