Release Notes 1.9.0
Historical return benchmarks enable advisors to compare the historical returns of a suggested portfolio with those of a corresponding benchmark portfolio. In this manner, advisors can effectively assess the performance of the portfolio relative to the benchmark.
The feature consists of:
- line chart for the comparison of historical returns
- bar charts providing a performance breakdown
- statistical analysis of portfolios
- statistics of portfolios
- modal containing information about the benchmark used for comparison
By utilizing all functionality in the advisory page you are now able to compare the following:
- Current portfolio
- Suggested portfolio
- Selected portfolio
- Benchmark portfolio
Note: Visualization of the benchmark portfolio requires a separate data license with the data vendor.

Feature accessibility: Enterprise Advice Flow License
This data can be utilized to populate the financial situation assets fields, thereby facilitating a more accurate and streamlined advisory process with prefilled figures. The feature is configurable, offering the flexibility to map asset values to any financial situation assets fields.
Usage of this feature requires an integration with our Accounts API. Contact our delivery team for more information

Feature accessibility: Enterprise Advice Flow License
We have an integration with ENIN, a Norwegian data vendor, who provides information about Norwegian companies. By utilizing this integration we have the capability to look up company information.
As part of this release we have implemented ENIN data across the Deep Alpha Platform (DAP), specifically integrating it into the KYC-page and Financial situation pages
In the KYC-page advisors can now utilize the ENIN integration to populate:
- Company flags
- Company roles
- Signature rights
- UBOs
In the financial situation page advisors can now utilize the ENIN integration to populate:
- Accounting figures
Advisors are now able to populate information


Feature accessibility: Enterprise Advice Flow License, Enterprise Order Execution License
We have incorporated Morningstar Indexes into DAP. This means index data from this dataset is ready for our customers to utilize. Please note that the use of Morningstar Indexes requires an license.
Feature accessibility: Enterprise Advice Flow License, Standard Advice Flow License, Enterprise Order Execution License, Standard Order Execution License, Enterprise Robo Advisor License, Standard Robo Advisor License
Added support to define order in which checks are presented within the tables.
Some of the data included in the historical return statistic table were not displayed correctly. This issue has now been fixed to ensure correct values are shown.
Only selected preference criterias are shown in custom portfolio details view, instead of all of them.
Uploading profile picture has been fixed.
We have reinstated the notification that appears when the cash balance falls below the initial deposit
Sorting for asset classes in model and custom portfolio has been changed to sort asset classes by category id.
Financial situation page logic is now more concise. One of the implications is possibility of summing amount for advice without an asset name.
The Quantfolio team hopes you enjoy the new functionality and enhanced user experience. If you encounter any issues or have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to us here Additionally, if you have any suggestions for new features or improvements, please let us know here.ο»Ώ
Release date: TBA Version number: 1.9.0