Investment Advisory & Discreti...

Financial Situation


The financial situation page is an important and required step of the MIFID-II flow. The objective with this page is to collect information about the financial situation of the investor. This serves the following purposes:

  • Assess how suitable it is for the investor to invest
  • Assess how much the investors can invest

We support adding different versions of the financial situation page, depending on which investor type you are talking to.

Person investors

The financial situation page for person investors consist of the three following sections:

  • Asset section
  • Debt section
  • Liquidity section

Asset section

This section serves the purpose of collecting information about the asset situation of the investors. Example of fields mapped can be, but not limited to:

  • Real estate
  • Investment portfolio
  • Cash
  • Other

Debt section

This section serves the purpose of collecting information about the debt situation of the investors. Example of fields mapped can be, but not limited to:

  • Mortgage
  • Credit card debt
  • Other


This section serves the purpose of collecting information about the liquidty situation of the investors. Example of fields mapped can be, but not limited to:

  • Monthly Surplus
  • Annual Surplus
  • Income
  • Required working capital
  • Is the investor expecting any changes to the financial situation

Monthly surplus input field has a business logic tied to the next step in the advisory flow - amount allocation in the investment plan. Read more about this compliance-by-design functionality on the Advisoryο»Ώ page.

Liquidity section supports also custom fields, such as custom input fields and questions with binary answer alternatives (i.e yes/no). There is no limitation to numbers of custom fields that can be used in this table.


Example of the financial situation page

Below you can find an example of how the the page can look like:

Financial situation - Person
Financial situation - Person

Company investors

The financial situation page for person investors consist of the four following sections:

  • Asset section
  • Debt section
  • Liquidity section
  • Accounting figures

Asset section

This section serves the purpose of collecting information about the asset situation of the investors. Example of fields mapped can be, but not limited to:

  • Real estate
  • Investment portfolio
  • Cash
  • Other

Debt section

This section serves the purpose of collecting information about the debt situation of the investors. Example of fields mapped can be, but not limited to:

  • Long-term debt
  • Short-term debt
  • Other debt

Liquidity section

This section serves the purpose of collecting information about the liquidty situation of the investors. Example of fields mapped can be, but not limited to:

  • Required working capital
  • Monthly surplus
  • Annual surplus

Accounting figures

This section serves the purpose of collecting information about the public accounting figures of the company. Example of fields mapped can be, but not limited to:

  • Revenues
  • Cost
  • Result

Data for accounting figures can be automatically filled through integration with ENIN - Norwegian data vendor, who provides information about Norwegian and Swedish companies.

Example of the financial situation page

Below you can find an example of how the the page can look like:

Financial situation - company
Financial situation - company

General functionality and flexibility

The financial situation step of the Mifid-II advice flow comes with some flexibility:

  • Fields that you want to collect information about, on all sections is configurable. This means that you can tailor the financial situation to fit your needs.
  • Possible to implement compliance-by-design rules by setting fields required. When doing this, the platform will prevent the advisor from generating an advice and documentation before all required fields in the financial situation is filled
  • It is possible to define which fields from the asset side on person and company version of the financial situation that should be considered as part of the feature "Amount for advice".

Amount for advice

Amount for advice is a functionality that allows the advisor to define how much of the asset side in the financial situation that should be brought in to the rest of the advice flow. When turned on, the amount for advice table is added towards the end of the financial situation page:

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Tag asset classes to holdings

For assets selected in Amount for advice DAAP allows the advisor to tag asset classes to client holdings. When turned on, it is accessible at the bottom of Financial Situation page, by clicking blue icon.

Amount for advice is in a red frame
Amount for advice is in a red frame
Blue icon is in a red frame
Blue icon is in a red frame
Tagging asset classes to holdings modal
Tagging asset classes to holdings modal

Accounts data

If there is an integration with accounts, this data can be utilized to populate the financial situation assets fields, thereby facilitating a more accurate and streamlined advisory process with prefilled figures. The feature is configurable, offering the flexibility to map asset values to any financial situation assets fields.


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